Incorrect credentials.
02/26/2012 05:10 pm

posts: 0

TheROCK wrote:

Yeah the guy who just joined this month who has NO reviews and only 10 posts all in this thread...

I call them like I see em. Just someone here to spout bullshit.

Nope, a long time forum poster with an alias and an agenda!
02/26/2012 05:21 pm

posts: 0

Look I don't know what is with you guys. I just would like to know if anyone had any info or advice because I don't think I would be the only one who would have had concerns about contracting a std. In fact, I have messaged another user on here and he had a similar issue and got himself tested and he didn't have to resort to talking like a prick like you guys. There was nothing wrong with sun and I would recommand it to anyone who wants to engage in this hobby. The only thing I would tell the person is to make sure the girl doesn't put her mouth on anything that is not covered. This was my first and probably last time (well I would still get a HJ because there are no risks involved) not because I hate sun but because the fear of getting an STD is just too much for me to handle. I don't think there is anything wrong with doing this I just came to the conclusion its not for me.
02/26/2012 05:42 pm

posts: 0

viper777 wrote:
Look I don't know what is with you guys. I just would like to know if anyone had any info or advice because I don't think I would be the only one who would have had concerns about contracting a std. In fact, I have messaged another user on here and he had a similar issue and got himself tested and he didn't have to resort to talking like a prick like you guys. There was nothing wrong with sun and I would recommand it to anyone who wants to engage in this hobby. The only thing I would tell the person is to make sure the girl doesn't put her mouth on anything that is not covered. This was my first and probably last time (well I would still get a HJ because there are no risks involved) not because I hate sun but because the fear of getting an STD is just too much for me to handle. I don't think there is anything wrong with doing this I just came to the conclusion its not for me.

I just came to a conclusion too. WTF are you doing on here! Did you not know the risks before your visit? Pricks! Your post is stupid, why not just message a few guys and get a response that way? The undertone to this is ridiculous!
02/26/2012 06:03 pm

posts: 0

Well Vampire I see you just joined this month as well and don't have any reviews either so who are you to talk shit to anybody? I wish someone who could have a discussion like an adult would post something instead of guys who speak like shit-talking high school kids. There are always risks when it comes to sex I just figured people who do it so much would know not to put their mouths on something that is not covered and that is what has me so concerned and that is why I know this is not for me.
02/26/2012 06:36 pm

posts: 0

My guess is that it's the Jeepster. He has that same lack of logic for explaining the obvious. And the same need to "warn" the public. I was right on both counts on my earlier post, a trouble making moron.
El Diablo
02/27/2012 02:12 am

posts: 0

viper777 wrote:
Well Vampire I see you just joined this month as well and don't have any reviews either so who are you to talk shit to anybody? I wish someone who could have a discussion like an adult would post something instead of guys who speak like shit-talking high school kids. There are always risks when it comes to sex I just figured people who do it so much would know not to put their mouths on something that is not covered and that is what has me so concerned and that is why I know this is not for me.

Dude, how old are you? You either are a church goer or someone young and you lack some basic sex education. Go get tested tomorrow and then realize after the results why you appear like a fool here. You can't get herpes within a day of exposure and you only had a hj and cbj? There's hardly any risks involved. Though...wait...was it a full moon the night you saw Cookie?
02/27/2012 10:00 am

posts: 0

I went to a church this week and now I have a rash
02/27/2012 10:28 am

posts: 0

StrokerAce wrote:
I went to a church this week and now I have a rash

Did the preist touch you! You better get checked if he touched your pp, you may have contracted gonorrhea!
02/27/2012 06:20 pm

posts: 0

I went to the Hotdog shop and affter eating there, my heart burned, I think i got somthing. Anybody got some alkiselser?
02/27/2012 07:26 pm

posts: 0

frank69 wrote:
I went to the Hotdog shop and affter eating there, my heart burned, I think i got somthing. Anybody got some alkiselser?

No Frank, just eat a cookie! Sorry though, not covered in your healthcare plan!
02/27/2012 07:54 pm

posts: 0

No test results yet from
03/01/2012 09:44 pm

posts: 0

What happened to poor, poor viper? Maybe when getting tested the nurse touched him with part of her hand not covered by the latex glove? This could have put poor viper over the edge. He might have gotten into his and driven off a cliff. Who will warn us now?
03/15/2012 09:25 am

posts: 0

viper777 wrote:
Well Vampire I see you just joined this month as well and don't have any reviews either so who are you to talk shit to anybody? I wish someone who could have a discussion like an adult would post something instead of guys who speak like shit-talking high school kids. There are always risks when it comes to sex I just figured people who do it so much would know not to put their mouths on something that is not covered and that is what has me so concerned and that is why I know this is not for me.

If you know it is not for you then shut the fuck up and have some cookies and milk. Otherwise, you are like a wife or old woman--thrusting monotonous and unwanted advice upon happy people because you think you are God's gift to the world. People like you are why we flock to AMPs to blow off steam.
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