03/30/2011 11:33 am

posts: 0

Just fired off a message to the owners of this web site that I think it would be very useful if they had a "Filter Search Engine" ie you could search by fs, race bust size mp rating.... what ever. I know fofr one I am not interested in going to a place which offers HJ only.
Any others think like this??
Send them an email
03/30/2011 11:56 am

posts: 0

Um, it already exists, if you click on our state in the left hand column you can "refine further" and refine by everything from ethnicity to cup size and "additional services" age, build and height. Hope this helps, It has been useful to me, especially when traveling out of town. I was able to narrow down the search and find what I was looking for pretty easy. Good luck.
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