I want to try something different

In 'Detroit Erotic Massage Parlors & Masseuses'

by wagnew0923

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04/20/2011 07:56 pm

posts: 0

Can anyone recommend a prostitute that is safe for $150 dollars or less in the Detroit area. When I use Backpage I worry about LE and reliability.
04/21/2011 09:25 am

posts: 0

I haven't been willing to take that risk. Can't afford any problems from Uncle LEO in my life. I suggest you check out options in Windsor, where prostitution (outcall only) is legal. www.windsorescorts.com is a good start.

But, as here, references are key. Check out theeroticreview.com or other review sites and message boards for US/Detroit options.
04/21/2011 11:52 am

posts: 0

A lot of the backpage girls are basically streetwalkers. Especially in D town. Not that that's a bad thing, but it certainly adds a level of risk for you. It's not the safest way to go.

kind of a catch-22 on price. If you know they're good it's because of good reviews and history in the hobby. But if they have that they'll probably charge around 200. Many stick to 300 even though the economy isn't good enough to demand that much for average looking girls doing straight service, IMO.

Up and coming providers with some, but not many reviews and/or "BBWs" are probably your best bet to get a sub-200 deal for an hour. Otherwise just go 1/2 hr with a more expensive gal from a less shady site.
04/21/2011 06:03 pm

posts: 0

My two biggest fears are law enforcement and my penis falling off. The biggest problem with the classifieds is they never post their cost, so I call and ask and if it is too much or I want "shop around" it really pisses them off. I like older women or more inexperienced women but when they do not list there prices it drives me nuts.
04/22/2011 02:27 am

posts: 2

Might be when they do not post their price it is negotiable? They may also want to draw more guys to their ads; otherwise when they do post their price (which may be high) it would make most men not call them.

What I dislike about escorts is the whole "you need to have at least two good references". They tend to double book sometimes too (giving priority to their regulars over you) and it's hard to reach them. I also prefer to see a face picture of them too which many of the girls do not put (for obvious reasons). This increases the chance of bait and switch occurring.
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