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08/03/2010 02:55 pm

posts: 0

This topic refers to Silk Spa
Silk Spa picture

Last night at (about) 7:30 a cop zooms past me on Rt. 1 and cuts into the turn lane ahead of me and turns into the shopping center toward Silk Spa.
I had to get fuel, so I turned in to fuel-up at the Royal Farm and I see other cops turning in to the shopping center.
After I finish, I ride up and past the spa.
I see no activity; but around front there are about six cop cars.
I noticed two officers inthe pizza joint, but that is all.
I wonder if they are ramping up visibility to discourage people from going to the spa. (Or, am I thinking too much?)
08/03/2010 06:39 pm

posts: 0

Probably thinking to much. They were probably eating.

LE is not in the detering spa visits business, in Howard County they only visit when told to, they either get a complaint, or it is scheduled, or the licensing agency wants them to come along. They have much bigger crimes that their presence can deter.

08/03/2010 07:13 pm

posts: 0

Your thinking too much. Problem is with the Extended Stay across the parking lot. I get off work late nite to early AM, have seen cop cars in parking lot at least 3 times over the past 2-3 weeks. I would not worry
08/03/2010 07:47 pm

posts: 0

I have often found LE hanging outside hotels in my travels and I have discovered that they are "barrowing" the internet from hotels, starbucks etc. They want to surf somewhere that they can NOT surf on the county/state provided service.

I actually asked a good friend of mine here who is a police officer, why they all seemed to park at the hotels and that was the answer I was given. They want be on Facebook, personal email, or porn sites, so they piggyback the free internet.

08/03/2010 08:01 pm

posts: 0

...or, someone simply had some fresh donuts!
08/04/2010 08:29 am

posts: 0

Could be. ummmmm donuts......ummmmmmm
11/13/2010 03:24 am

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