Incorrect credentials.
02/11/2013 05:44 pm

posts: 0

So, I was out in Los Angeles. Many-many of the places are Thai or have Thai in their name.
It might appear that HERE the places are "nail salon" places.
In Los Angeles many of the places are "foot massage" places.
Ask yourself, how many "foot massage" salons are open at 10 PM on a Saturday night.
Actually, I did NOT have the opportunity to check out any place,
but they seem plentiful - I mean all over the place.
02/12/2013 09:45 am

posts: 0

I am in LA a lot and it depends where you are. In Orange County there are several Vietnamese places, a lot of the Thai places are in North LA and the Koreans and Chinese are sprinkled throughout.
02/12/2013 10:39 am

posts: 0

The thai girls in this area are in Nova and working as escorts, no need to open a store front. You can find many of them and for just about what you would pay for a massage + FS. Look for annathai sweatthai zazathai thaimolly etc you will find a common theme and # to one of the best thai agencies. But unfortunately you will be traveling to NOVA.

They are highly recommended (I use them frequently) as well as the various Korean agencies in Nova. These places are the reason I spend less time in AMPs these days..Same money spent higher quality lady and service.
02/12/2013 02:45 pm

posts: 0

For K-girls in LA, the AAMPs have taken over the AMPs. The K-agencys in the NOVA/MD area are also very good.
02/12/2013 09:03 pm

posts: 0

Slippery slope talking about Korean clubs in NOVA on this site. Before long someone will post their address and start the review process. We all know what will happen next!

And no the Korean clubs are not the same price as AMPs, they are a significant markup..
02/17/2013 07:44 pm

posts: 0

Im not talking about k-bars. Im talking about Korean and Thai agencies, and they are not that much more expensive. 200 for 45 or 220 for an a hour at various places is not much more than the typical 170-180 a spa would run you for a 40s something plus AMP girl. The difference is these girls are in their 20s.
02/18/2013 10:48 am

posts: 0

The Rock speaketh the truth. Tried one in NoVa in September, cost me 210 for a mind blowing experience.
02/23/2013 09:45 am


02/23/2013 12:21 pm

posts: 0

Northern Virginia (just outside and around the "Capital Beltway")
02/23/2013 05:26 pm

posts: 0

juan_peso wrote:
Northern Virginia (just outside and around the "Capital Beltway")

I can just see all of the "Hobbyists" making a run for "Ole Virginny" and re-constituting the Army of Northern Virginia.
02/24/2013 05:58 am

posts: 0

With swords drawn and ready for some action .
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