Incorrect credentials.
06/05/2014 11:31 am

posts: 0

NR site changes sucks.
06/06/2014 12:11 am

posts: 0

L4mp wrote:
NR site changes sucks.

Takes some time to get use to navigating the new layout, but the only change I think "sucks" is that you can no longer read partial reviews if you are a non-paid member. Currently I pay to use RM for reviews (I know some complain about the quality of reviews, but they have been spot on in most instances in my experience and have the highest quantity.), EMP to read the forums, and NR only on occasion. I use to have a subscription at EMP but things seemed to die here right when I subscribed. For my location RM is the most active site.
06/06/2014 12:33 am

posts: 0

Schedonist; Good points you make, I agree with a lot of what you are saying.

L4; agreed
06/06/2014 02:08 am

posts: 0

RM has been very beneficial in my case as comparing reviews on both sites has provided good info and I have found good leads on RM that aren't on EMP and Vice Versa. NR has always had sketchy reviews although the getting VIP for 2 reviews per month is a good deal
06/06/2014 07:37 am

posts: 0

Local reviews were getting better recently at NR. I like the free VIP every 2 reviews. But that only benefits if you read provider reviews. Not needed for AMPs.
06/09/2014 10:37 am

posts: 0

Yes L4mp, (NR) agreed local reviews had gotten better recently. More info there recently!!
When I first signed on new sight (NR) thought I had made a typo and resigned in thinking I was on wrong sight. Also saw lots of derogatory comments with double digit thumbs up and +1 agreeing, then later on many of those comments, I could not find. Disappeared some how?????
06/10/2014 12:15 am

posts: 0

I'm trying hard to warm up to NR's new site design.

I went to their forum to get more of a feel for what they are trying to accomplish and I can see now what they are trying to do. Being a free site with no membership means they need to keep out the casual lurkers and trolls and those that may wish to do harm by other means. Also, by making the reviews semi-private and making the reviewer choose who they show their input to, I think it gives the website legal cover if unlawful activity is going on. Not sure if the community will warm up to it or not. The problem I see is if I'm trying to gather data on a shop and I have to "request" notes and wait until the reviewer logs on and decides to be kind enough to "approve" my request, I can be on three other sites and gotten the info already. And that review may be crap anyway. In a world of instant gratification and multiple options, the new NR strikes me as a pretty, but ultimate fail.

All that said, I'll probably keep messing with it for a while...
06/22/2014 12:17 pm

posts: 0

Still trying to make sense of the new system on NR.
After almost just totally giving up, have spent a little time I seem to be getting some info now.
I have requested about seven notes from reviews.
Received notes back from about four reviews. Thanks to those who responded!!!
And have been able to chat with the reviewers who were kind enough to respond. Thanks guys.
Also got some positive feedback on my reviews, WOO HOO, thanks.

With the new setup there has been no positive interaction with comments from other members like we used to have here on this sight, miss that.!!!
But NR does have current local reviews!!!
And at times further chatting with the reviewer, for more details and info!!!

I have not yet had my credit card info stolen, I do not use it over there.
06/23/2014 12:25 am

posts: 0

With my bad experience here with my CC, not sure if I want to renew my VIP membership either.

Anyway, I don't feel comfortable sharing notes to new members at NR. Could be LE. I dunno.

But the fact that I need to request one myself, is a pain. And what if it's a BS review? You can't call it out and let others know it's a fake review. I miss the comment system, like what we have here.

But over here, if it's reviewed by a VIP and only shared to VIP members, others can't see it. So you also need to be VIP to read VIP only reviews and comments. Oh well.
06/23/2014 02:22 am

posts: 0

Yeah, good points L4.
06/27/2014 08:35 am

posts: 0

Well, took Rakshasa's lead ... tried to warm up on the changes.
I'm getting the hang of it with the recent updates.

Unfortunately, I won't be upgrading my membership here at EMP at the moment. Had a bad experience with my CC. It didn't cost me a thing, but the fact that site security was breached (and admins not admitting any fault) left a bad impression.

I'll be around though, checking for reviews I can read, commenting if I can, and of course exchanging private messages with you guys as usual.

(can't view VIP reviews and comments)
06/27/2014 11:06 am

posts: 0

I hate to see all of these guys leaving. I cannot figure out why there are very few that post reviews, or contribute to the Forum. I would be interested in how many actually belong to the site...maybe there are only 50 or 60, and only about half contribute. I know I belonged for a year, dropped out, but then returned. I probably didn't post anything until after I had been back on for a year, or 18 months...shy, I guess.

As to our credit cards being accessed, I re-upped about 7 weeks ago and didn't have anything show up that I didn't charge...I've paid two billing cycles on the three cards I use...Maybe I was lucky.

I look at both Rub Maps and Naughty Reviews (at least what I can, I'm not a member of either) and their reviews are for providers that have been gone for months, and I ran across a newer review for a place that lost its' lease, moved to a new town and went out of business more than 18 months ago, so I'm taking both sites with a grain of salt...Maybe they post "reviews" to make their sites seem more active than they are.

If I would happen to try either one out my "handle" would be something similar to my current one, that way anyone that has read anything I've posted would be able to verify my on-line ID.
06/27/2014 11:58 am

posts: 0

relaxn, Thanks for your comments.
Yeah some good members are leaving, along with many already gone, sad.

Regarding other sights I am on other sights.
Here in Sac.,CA on (RM) we just got another review for a place that closed down a year or so
ago (Cherry Blossom).
A highly respected reviewer called this out on a review a few months back,
and now we just got another FAKE review.
Yes that was me along with another local member.
A couple of days ago. Calling for explain reviewing a closed place!!
Calling out, what is going on this place has been closed for a long time.
I notified RM, place has been closed long time, stop posting FAKE reviews.
Cherry Blossom was then listed as closed and the current review was deleted.
I sent private message to poster, asking to explain.
Have not heard back.
The poster had about 33 local reviews.
Many of those I now suspect????
But having said all that, I do get a lot of info from, RM.
06/27/2014 05:37 pm

posts: 0

< Many of those I now suspect????
But having said all that, I do get a lot of info from, RM. >>

This will not stop until sites stop offering VIP for reviews. If know a number of legit places who have been visited and harassed by police based upon fake reviews. All one of these assholes has to do is drive up to the site, snap a picture and post; no visit involved. Is this what everyone relies on?

06/27/2014 08:19 pm

posts: 0

Don't get me wrong, I'm not leaving. I like it here too.
I'm just limited to what I can do.
06/28/2014 02:55 am

posts: 0

I am disappointed with the site activity here for sure, and have no doubt that there was a CC problem, although I never had one. I get 3 months paid at a time and whatever freetime I can Earn here and pay annual for RM($99)to conserve funds. The reason I get for the changes to NR is they also have escort listing and reviews and even some AAMP reviews. RM has good info (at least here in LV) for the most part and it is becoming easier to separate the wheat from the chaff. I do not understand why the site support got so dicked up as they used to be responsive to questions and requests, usually within 2-4 days, but that is obviously not the case now.
06/28/2014 11:14 am

posts: 0

I too am disappointed with the activity here and had CC issues last re-up. I would share much more if others did but then again the hassle with the CC I probably cannot in good conscience renew unless it was via paypal or something. I'm probably done with this site when my current membership expires. I can tell when a RM review is fake or plagurized. I also have garnered more from RM lately. The problem with this site is I clear my phone routinely - just getting to this website from my phone is a pain - it won't show up in an easy search because of the CC issue. We should all move over to RM and mutiny this pirate ship!!!
07/01/2014 07:14 am

posts: 0

i had CC trouble on RM. had to get a new card, someone was trying to buy online with my card. RM has been hacked several times. right now i am not a paying member anywhere
07/13/2014 08:42 pm

posts: 0

Now that RB is gone, I don't know where to go for reviews! I need to keep this hobby on the DL so that is why I've been avoiding using my CC for these sites. However, doesn't seem like there is enough info on this site? oh well...
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