Incorrect credentials.
02/18/2014 06:42 am

posts: 0

Has anybody heard anything about annie if she has showed up anywhere else

Or when Tammy is going to be back in town for awhile
02/19/2014 11:28 am

posts: 0

you have been a member for almost 3 yrs. how many reviews have you written? but here you are looking for info. this is why this site is dying. people wanting info , without giving anything back.
02/19/2014 07:58 pm

posts: 0

Sorry Yes I did not give any reviews because I really am not a person who is going to a lot of different places I basically don't go that often I have only been to a couple of places started out with seeing anna in woodland and then tammy at sky and then annie at sky and basically that been it just felt comfortable with gong to one place and annie made me feel comfortable and just asking for a little help in finding her

02/20/2014 09:53 am

posts: 0

Mr. Bill, I mean Dr. Phil has a good point. Then again, this is what this site is help each other out........slc, you might be able to track her down but you also need to do your homework and find a replacement. The sooner, the better right Dr. Phil . Don't get too deep into only a couple of providers and expand your hobby. AMP's and Indys in or near Sacramento are a "dime a dozen", enjoy the hobby. Is this the main reason the site is fading . IMO, there are other sites out there which are more afordable and give very similar reviews of a provider. Affordable prices with similar reviews equals more trips to a EMP .
02/21/2014 06:06 am

posts: 0

I am still hoping that there is somebody out there that can help me out not really a hobby for me just would love to find her to see here again

Help anyone would be appreciated

02/21/2014 08:42 am

posts: 0

Hobby = An activity or interest which pursues pleasure or happiness........but it's a hobby there slc...I'll be in this hobby for 20 years in 3 more years and been in the same situation.....I've lost a couple of ATF's but I move on. Every hobbiest has a different point of view.

The longer you cling
The lingering of a sting
In time I hope you succeed
If not a similar replacement will stop the bleed.

02/21/2014 09:53 am

posts: 0

Annie had a strong impact on a lot of us, apparently. I must admit, she was a sweetie.

That said, this biz is not built for lasting relations with these ladies. SLC, your lament is one most of us have had as well at one time or another. But the advice given above is good:

Move on.

Keep in mind tho' that if you're more active on the site and in the hobby, its more likely guys will trust you with any info they have. The fact is, the more often you get out there, the more likely it is you'll come across some info on her yourself.

02/21/2014 01:52 pm

posts: 0

I agree with Rakshasa about being more active on this site to earn the trust of others. I recall reading that a member on this site did know where she worked, but was not going to give out to just anyone. I've had more ATF's than I can remember. Recently my top ATF left town. I was totally bummed, but realized that with her gone I could afford the monthly payment on a BMW.Still feeling bummed that my ATF was gone, I went to a place for what I thought would be a cheap but legit massage. I had no idea I'd find my new ATF there. Everything was great for a while and had to re-think the BMW because this new girl was just as wonderful as the last one. But now she's moving too. No need to be bummed, I'm pretty sure another will come (32 year hobbyist). And the same can be true for you too.
02/23/2014 11:19 am

posts: 0

Lot's of wisdom and so true comments here!! I am stinging some from loss of a fav, so I try to "move on" to other thoughts, to some of my other favs and meet some new ladies, maybe some new ATF.

While I was out and about awhile back at "Sky" ran into Lucy who "said" she knows Annie!! Heard she has changed her # and was working in South Bay Area but then "moved on"!!
No I do not know where Annie is?? Staying out of town,?? legal matters???
But like Rakshasa said get out there, the more likely it is you'll come across some info yourself.

"The Longer you cling"
"The Lingering of a sting"
good thoughts Apache!!

Wow very well said guys!!
Thanks for the thoughts.

Best wishes SLC!!
02/23/2014 06:53 pm

posts: 0

ATF's do move on and we should probably look at it more positively. Had my 1st ATF (Ivy at Queen Vixon)remained her I would have gone exclusively to her and although she was wonderful, I would have missed several fabulous experiences. I have had several favorites since, some have moved on and a couple are still here. The bottom line is I have learned to experiment more and it has paid off. I currently have two Favs who remain here for the most part and a couple of fabulous ladies who are only here for 2 weeks or a month at a time. Getting emotionally attached to any of these women is a sure road to heart ache. I lost a good friend over a perceived wrong because I helped a gal he was smitten with. Enjoy them for what they are, fabulous ladies whose sole purpose in life is to make us feel good. I respect and admire nearly every one I have been with.
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