In 'Sacramento Erotic Massage Parlors & Masseuses'

by Time2

Incorrect credentials.
01/20/2012 02:37 pm

posts: 0

Our local crew is now far and away becoming the most active discussion forum in the state of California. We're now surpassing the entire Los Angeles area and we're within a few weeks almost certain to pass up the grand total of all of the rest of the California discussion boards combined.

EMP is a place I've contributed and encouraged others to post as well and I regularly recommend our extremely valuable resource here to others as really the go-to site for the most comprehensive and current AMP reviews.

Just want to say, thanks to everyone for making this an active, fun and nearly uniformly positive place to enjoy and further our fun-as-can-be world of fun & games. We're truly living in a great period of AMP/RMP resurgence that many regions of the country will never have anything that compares or is even close to in the range of options and the competitive rates we're lucky to have.

A very sincere thanks. Really.
01/20/2012 09:55 pm

posts: 0

yeah,this site has save but contributed in me spending way too much money.
01/21/2012 12:23 pm

posts: 0

Time wrote:
Our local crew is now far and away becoming the most active discussion forum in the state of California. We're now surpassing the entire Los Angeles area and we're within a few weeks almost certain to pass up the grand total of all of the rest of the California discussion boards combined.

Is this really something to be proud of? Maybe this means that we are the most desperate group on here, and get laid the least from regular girls and have to compensate by paying for it and then writing about it...

Klem 1
01/21/2012 12:50 pm

posts: 0

I agree - but for a different reason.

This is not the kind of hobby that benefits from a lot of public scrutiny.

Its not good for the girls - its not good for us.

The amount of people (men in this area, as Ive only seen one female post - and she was not posting happy thoughts) - but even though the number of posters may be a few select individuals - it is apparent by the reactive increase in not only activity - but requests after any given review or comment - the readership far exceeds the participation.

Sky is a typical example - it was nothing when it opened up - yet shortly after its first few reviews started showing up - the place got packed - and the girls got freaked because they had guys coming in off the street who they did not know - yet these dudes knew just about everything about not only them, but what they would do and would not do.

Lee's is another example of the same thing. And what about Annie in Woodland. The exposure ran her right out of town!

Am I suggesting that we no longer review? Of course not - that would be ludicrous. But at the same time I dont think being the most vocal and the most actively spouting of experiences is something to be shouting out either.

I know I have curtailed my postings - some for personal reasons - and some for the simple fact that you dont know anything about the people on the site - because even when you think you know them - they are capable of stabbing you in the back at any time. Annonymity is great for the hobby - its also a great mask of character. No one is really held to anything here other than a screen name and a freedom to spout off whatever they feel like - whether its true or bullshit.

Anyway - I'm off on a tangent.... but I too, dont believe that being the most visible and vocal group on this site - has many merits.

Just my opinion, of course.
01/21/2012 01:36 pm

posts: 0

For those of us who started in the dark ages when there was zero sharing and nothing available at all as a resource to help out, we say this place ROCKS!!! Everyone uses it for their own purposes and I'm glad so many DO contribute and stay positive! Thanks, Gents!
01/21/2012 02:35 pm

posts: 0

I am like Grabby, I have slowed down on reviews. i have had some repercussions from ladies, who did not appreciate me kissing and telling. plus i am busy working for a living. but i will still contribute here.
01/21/2012 08:31 pm

posts: 0

KalAMP wrote:
I am like Grabby, I have slowed down on reviews. i have had some repercussions from ladies, who did not appreciate me kissing and telling. plus i am busy working for a living. but i will still contribute here.

Yep - 2 months ago I did 2 TOFTT reviews of 2 AMP's I added to the site, prior to that was 7 months before that to add a coupla reviews where there wasn't a long history of them, I think 1 of those was another TOFTT review of another AMP I added.

This afternoon a lady told me she didn't like guys writing reviews and I told her that there hadn't been any recent new ones of her AMP and I think that's a result of the calculated effort by many of us to be somewhat more discreet. No reason to post a new review saying every time you get a HJ!

There are other places that are more discreet than these publc sites and that's where I tend to put up new intel and where I see a growing set of options developing. EMP already serves its purpose by having a comprehensive listing of AMP options in our area and very few are truly "unknown" or lacking reviews either here or elsewhere.

Always feel indebted to those who contribute as we all benefit!
01/22/2012 10:25 am

posts: 0

Some of us in the more barren parts of the US, at least as far as AMPs w/HJ (hand jobs), BJ (blowjobs) and FS (full service). There may be limits on how much service management will allow.">extras like in Sacramento, have to live vicariously through the reviews of others.

That being said, I'd have to agree with Grabby about the toning down of publicity but Time's point is excellent also about the dark ages as back then none of us would know each other.

Happy hunting
01/22/2012 04:03 pm

posts: 0

For what it's worth, i have cut down on my reviews everywhere I go because of increased scrutiny from le. I have had a couple of scrapes in my backyard that have hit too close to home. I don't want to hurt anyone trying to make a living.
01/22/2012 04:05 pm

posts: 0

Also, I have posted notes telling people to pm me for reviews and I only respond to mongers I know. Call it intuition but I sense a change coming from the LE end of things.
01/22/2012 05:21 pm

posts: 0

StrokerAce wrote:
Also, I have posted notes telling people to pm me for reviews and I only respond to mongers I know. Call it intuition but I sense a change coming from the LE end of things.

There are at least as many brand new unknown handles that PM me on RB as here on EMP and I'm with you, Ace - I tend to be more cautious based upon who's asking.

Honestly though, Dudes - we are just lucky as can be to have as many well known AMP options here in the Capital City and even if nobody EVER posted a single additional review here or anywhere, we still never have to do what we all used to do - walk into a storefront AMP with zero advance knowledge of whether we were likely to even geta HJ.
01/23/2012 01:06 am

posts: 0

I haven't posted in awhile either. Been busy as hell but still make time to hit up my favorite amps. All of which this site and its members have helped me pre-qualify.

I must admit that when I signed onto the forum today after weeks the first thing I noticed was SAC took over with the most posts. Fuck it guys, we are number one now! Whether it's something to be proud of or not, that can be debated from many perspectives. But now Sac is number fucking one.

Thanks to everyone for all of your reviews, comments and musings that make me chuckle when I read! Happy days to all...
02/03/2012 08:35 am

posts: 0

yeaa i have been hit with a few possible le questions threw handle was "copnbed" couple simler ones as well. all 3 wernt VIP so i assume they cant buy into the sight..but thoes were in vacaville.and later vacaville shut 3 down ..only to have 1 reopen..i think if u pm someone have that person have verify threw another member like i did with time when i wanted to know more from another member
02/03/2012 08:35 am

posts: 0

or just say nothing to non VIP just incase
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