do not tell girls about the internet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In 'Sacramento Erotic Massage Parlors & Masseuses'

by crabgrass

Incorrect credentials.
07/10/2011 07:34 pm

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I went to see a girl at a R&T, one of my regulars. During our session, I noticed her bounderies had shrunck. I have seen her many times in the past, and with some grooming her bounderies had expanded. But not this time. I asked her why, and she told me, her customers had been talking bad about her. She said one of her customers, told her about what some were saying about her, on the internet. Great, so all of her customers pay the price, including me!! So, somebody went to see her, and thought it would be a good idea to tell her what was being said on the internet. Why do some guys think this is a good idea? IT IS NOT A GOOD IDEA!!!! This was a nice girl, not yet jaded by her job. Now I see a girl , who is definitly jaded by her job. My session with her, was average at best. DON'T TELL THE GIRLS ABOUT THE INTERNET, THEY DON'T GET THE JOKE!!!!!!
07/10/2011 07:48 pm

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Agreed. I have talked to girls about their advertising on BP,etc.. but I would never tell one about any of the discussion boards. The guy that told her probably did not realize he was cutting his own throat at the same time he was sucking up to her. I will talk to these girls about anything, we talk about our lives, other spas, other girls, the news, whatever. No good can come from talking about chat rooms. If you do not have anything else to talk about, just lie there and enjoy your massage. To quote a local radio personality, "Stop rurning my life."

Happy Hobbying
07/10/2011 09:42 pm

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It even actually kinda surprised me to see the CLOSED banner removed for Pearl's in Woodland and also the new Yelena review. Both I think are lessons about too much internet discussions leading to things going south.

Just another example of the cost incurred that we all pay if the ladies start thinking about review sites. It's been a long time - actually, was probably Yelena in like January - since any lady ever mentioned reviews or the Internet to me.

Pretty disappointing to hear about this as I really thought we were well beyond this happening.

Kal, thanks for the report and I hope the AMP isn't now a total loss, but as you are a true fan who has developed your rotation of known-desirable superior babes, seems like this is a very unwelcome and pretty surprising development.

Having reliable preferred options is really what we all pursue and value, I think. Losing even 1 superior lady just blows - and not in a good way.

Is it okay to ask whether you did or will do a review so to warn the rest of this off of this AMP or at least this particular RA to help us avoid what clearly now is not a great option? In the alternative, you up for posting the AMP or the lady's name here or sharing via Inbox Private Message? If not, no worries, just hope it's ok to ask.

Thanks again for the report and kinda crossing my fingers for a full review or heads-up on the place/lady to avoid.
07/11/2011 12:33 am

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[quote="Time"] It even actually kinda surprised me to see the CLOSED banner removed for Pearl's in Woodland and also the new Yelena review. Both I think are lessons about too much internet discussions leading to things going south.

TIME I am the one that notified them about the new phone number for Pearl's in Woodland and that it was reopened. Sorry I figured it would help somebody else if the wanted to call.
07/11/2011 12:45 am

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Dude, it's good we know it reopened, I didn't mean it like it sounded I guess, sorry!!

Just thinking I must feel kinda guilty for my initial Anna review having sparked off that torrent of reviews and eventually the vice cop told our recently departed bro that he'd read all the reviews, which set off the LE op.

Having learned about Kal's experience with the now less than optimal AMP service, it's a damn good reminder to keep the sites something we deny all knowledge of if ladies ask - as I did with Yelena when she asked. I went all Sgt. Schultz I know nuttink!! on her. "My friend told me..."

We can't be losing live options in the R&T AMP world!!! We kinda LOVE those places!!!
07/11/2011 02:33 am

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I'm still a novice hobbyist but have enough wits to not tell any of the babes about any Internet reviews. Sac rules for amps and it should stay that way. Maybe some of the elite Sac Street Crew members here can start a bullet list of dos and don'ts for any new comers so that this type of shit doesn't happen anymore...
07/11/2011 03:07 am

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TIME Actually this is what I have been concerned about this for some time. What I mean is that somebody is taking are intel whether it be the LE then questioning the AMP (Anna) and accusing her of this and that. Or some other idot that thinks that is has got some info on a AMP and proceeds to give her details about a session that provided details about - 2 pops or 2 hander or DATY or or or or the list goes on seems that we might be better served if erotic mp could come up with a way for the brothers to share intel with each other and to make sure that we are sharing info without sharing with the wrong people.
07/11/2011 03:56 am

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Wouldn't it be nice if the internet wasn't accessible to EVERYBODY! Including LE! There is always a risk, but I would certainly rather Anna, Jin Jin, or even the girls at SKY(my current favorite) or whoever take the rap rather than ME! Intel is vital for both great places to go AND great places to avoid! I know it has been repeated, well, repeatedly, but AMP's will close! They will usually resurface elsewhere! Although I don't like my favorite places closing down, I realize that the business is volatile and, in my experience, the girls you like resurface at another location, so no loss! If it helps, get their cell number and make an appointment.
07/11/2011 10:10 am

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EMP ROCKS!!! And, it does so because we post reviews, make it a fun cyberboard to share intel and then we share AMP ladies' cell #'s via Inbox. We've gotta keep it that way.

Not sure how it is that this particular lady at the AMP where this happened caught wind of it, but as the truly UNscientific review/study recently on the main board here on EMP established "how many guys fly totally under the radar" or whatever we called it, the percentage of guys who even post a review or add anything here to the forums is basically miniscule in comparison to the #'s of guys who are actively on the EMP site nearly constantly.

SO!? Bottom line: we can't A. Make people contribute or B. Rely upon low-flying members to be posting reviews/adding to forum discussions therefore, C. Anything we do post is going to be seen by 75+% of members who are on the boards but you don't even realize are here.

The point is - we have zero control over who does or says anything to the ladies because the extremely small segment of AMP fans who actually are here posting is vastly outnumbered by all the guys who hit AMPs and simply do whatever the hell they want to do in how they conduct themselves.

All we can do is do as Kal did here in showing leadership by stating a very unfortunate result of a lady self-limiting her services and her doing so is quite clearly a direct result of a poor choice or at a minimum a slip in judgment by another bro who talked about site reviews. By posting reports as Kal did and by offering helpful guidance tips to each other, ideally at least we're making an effort to assist guys to make good decisions about how they can help grow the AMP community and not do damage.

As we know, SMR for all its limitations, RB for all its self-restrictions on AMP 411 sharing, inbox PM swapping on those sites as well as here on EMP, etc. all are resources for fans of the AMP world. Guys also I'm absolutely convinced just still do cold walk-ins without any participation or awareness of any review sites whatsoever.

With all of those avenues for discussion/info sharing, etc. we really wouldn't make a dent in limiting the internet discussions effectively if we all went completely under the radar here on EMP.

I say, EMP is for US! Let's ROCK IT! Just be prudent in what you say within an AMP as the whole point of this and other review sites is to have AMP info and to share it among AMP fans!
07/11/2011 12:35 pm

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In this case, it was a customer telling her what had been said about her, on the internet. It could have been here or red book. The point is, somebody used the info they got on the internet, then told the girl what he had read. I think sometimes people read a review, like what they read and go see the girl. Then they expect the exact same experience on the first visit, without letting the girl get comfortable with them. When they don't get what they want, they tell her what they read on the internet. I think we have to remember: 1. not all reviews are true. and 2. Your Milage May Vary!
Just my theory on what is happening.
07/11/2011 12:57 pm

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Makes total sense to me, Kal - thanks much for the further on this. Seems like it would appear logical to the guy who's new to the AMP world and yet it ends up backfiring on him.

I well remember JinJin saying okay to DATY - "But don't tell anyone! Our secret, ok?!" and I think that's a perfect example of ladies providing more if the lucky clients will simply STFU.

There's a discussion ongoing currently in a private forum about a lady who is now doing BBBJ and she has said she'll do CIM finish on a YMMV and only with guys who will STFU. Another example of the old lesson about don't kiss & tell!
07/12/2011 12:17 am

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Share here on boards and post reviews and if you prefer - PM guys via inbox. Just don't talk about it with the ladies.

It's not that they all are completely unaware of review sites, but at the same time, it is fairly rare I think that they truly regularly monitor the sites for their own reviews.

Tons of places with well known FS and BJ reputations have reviews going back years and they're not ones that anybody reports as having any LE surveillance or even walk-in contact for talks by LE.

Last I heard, Oasis Hills Spa had landlord problems and also that there was not a raid, but just a walk-in talk-to by LE and they may have gotten spooked, but they were NOT shut down.
07/12/2011 12:27 am

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I don't think there is anything wrong writing reviews here. As long as we don't talk to the ladies about it. i know the ladies at Asian Flower and Bamboo, knew nothing about this, until tipped off by a customer. I know for a fact that they check this site out regularly.
07/12/2011 01:13 am

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I myself have really held back about some places I have been to just because I think I sometime say more then what I should and would never want to be the cause of to much info getting around.
07/12/2011 01:19 am

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KalAMP wrote:
I don't think there is anything wrong writing reviews here. As long as we don't talk to the ladies about it. i know the ladies at Asian Flower and Bamboo, knew nothing about this, until tipped off by a customer. I know for a fact that they check this site out regularly.

Well, that's another wrinkle to throw into the discussion it seems because though it's been probably close to a year since I had a session at Asian Flower and haven't ever had one at Bamboo, it seems that I read regularly that both places continue to deliver the HJ HE and they've neither ever delivered more than that, right? And that's despite their both knowing about reviews and apparently reading their reviews?

I mean, I think you've said you've been to both places, so your personal experience is far more beneficial than mine on this point, so I just wonder what your thoughts are about what if any effect these 2 AMP op's being aware of EMP has had on their providing HJ (hand jobs), BJ (blowjobs) and FS (full service). There may be limits on how much service management will allow.">extras services?

A few minutes ago I just read elsewhere a new review of a guy on RB who's seriously ticked off that he went to Bamboo and got zero mutual touch - isn't that what that place is known for? The lady offered him a HJ and he rather oddly IMHO declined and instead opted for a longer massage in lieu of any hanky panky. Okaaaay...
07/12/2011 01:27 am

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Bamboo is no touch above waist, but they give a good massage. different strokes for different folks! ha ha
07/12/2011 01:33 am

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I just put on my codpiece and went to RB, to check out the Bamboo review you mentioned. the guy said he saw Jenny, i have never heard that name before. She must be new. mmmm interesting a new girl.
07/12/2011 01:51 am

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Speaking of new ladies - got a coupla PM tips here earlier that Lee's is rotating newer ladies in that I believe have no reviews here yet... Possibilities!!!
07/15/2011 11:22 am

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rme007 wrote:

Hmmmm Maybe someone will read the site and show Yumi the art of the slow sensual HJ! ....

pm_handtechniques.shtml." target="_blank" rel="nofollow"> A lady who is independent and works as an FBSM provider seemed fascinated when I told her about various techniques so I sent her this link. Not sure very many HJ ladies ever have any skill development unless we help!!
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