Incorrect credentials.
11/27/2010 11:31 pm

posts: 0

Does anyone know how new AMP's are updated/added to this site? I see places on CL, RB and BP but they are not on EMP?
11/28/2010 12:31 am

posts: 0

Click on the button called "Add a new massage parlor" that appears when you hit the search tab from the home page or when you for instance hit california or sacramento and it shows the list of MP's already on here.

I've added probably 10 new ones and each time you add a new one and snap a photo and send it in to you will be notified within a few hours [unless it's the weekend or a holiday] that you have been comp'd a VIP membership for 30 days.

If you see on eon CL or RB that isn't on here and it appears to be worth others on EMP knowing about, then take the 5 minutes or so it takes to add the new MP here, please.

Then go snap a photo and my standard M.O. is to then walk into the place, chat with a young lady who answers the door or greets me, get a business card, introduce myself and get her name and maybe take a short tour.

Sometimes the tour has to be informally by saying I'll have to come back later or tomorrow, but "could I please just use the bathroom real quick?" Never have been turned down and you get an eyeball of the place.

Helps in figuring out what your sense of the place is and you may meet another young lady or two while looking around.

IT's a great thing to spot one on CL or BP and FIRST do a google search of the MP's phone # and street address as sometimes they're already here on EMP, there's just been a name change. That's happened to me at least once.

If you find that it is a name change, then you can fire off an email to the EMP email address and note the name change. It helps if you have snapped a photo of the front of the place with the name and also include the link to the ad showing that it's the same address and phone.

I've also sent in photos a couple of times to show the correct spelling of the MP's name when it's incorrect here on EMP.

All worth the effort to help build and maintain an accurate current effective database!
11/28/2010 02:29 am

posts: 0

Thanks Time, I don't know why I didn't see that "add new MP" button on the search page...just looked and there it is clear as day!
11/28/2010 04:04 pm

posts: 0

Took me FOREVER to notice it myself, seriously! It's a pretty sweet way to get the VIP expiration kicked out a ways into the future and it sure is sweet to expand the number of go-to options available locally!
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