Incorrect credentials.
03/29/2011 08:55 pm

posts: 0

Just wanted to run something by you gents - kind of an oddity that a week ago I did a review and added this place to the site also and it doesn't show up in the list of Sacramento area MP's, but does appear in "My Account" review list and it shows it was approved.

It occurred to me to make a comment to the review and that didn't ever appear in the list of recent comments either, that I noticed. So, I sent an email to our go-to guys here at EMP inquiring and there wasn't a response.

The lack of a photo can't be the explanation, because we have others still lacking photos. It's a damn busy street and I went by earlier to try to snap a pic but it didn't seem like with the traffic and congestion and cars parked around it that it'd work out to do so, so I bailed.

Any ideas? Anybody see this review show up? I even ran a few searches here to see if I could find the MP and got bupkus. It's no biggy, just odd and I wanted to spare y'all from stumbling across this place thinking it was a prime TOFTT opportunity.

It has the look from the outside that it holds possibilities, so I had taken the plunge - twice- and it seemed worth putting up a review to report the experiences.
03/29/2011 10:08 pm

posts: 0

Time, I just looked for the MP and could not find it. I do see it when I click on the link you have in your post.
I also entered a site about 2 or 3 weeks ago and it has not shown up on this site yet, not even in "My Account". I tried to reenter it but said it has already been entered. Been to busy to look into it.
I stopped in the place a few weeks ago and the lady I talked to was Eastern European. Haven't been back to give it a try yet, just another in a long list of places to try!!!!
03/29/2011 10:18 pm

posts: 0

I entered a comment for Club-16-R so will see if it shows up with all the other commments.
03/29/2011 10:23 pm

posts: 0

Thanks, Boss! Seems like a quirk that I'd not spotted before. Did your place include a pic?
03/29/2011 11:12 pm

posts: 0

Yes I uploaded a pic as well.
03/29/2011 11:14 pm

posts: 0

And I see my comment for Club-16 has not shown up on the home page yet!!
03/29/2011 11:21 pm

posts: 0

Yeah, this is odd!!! Makes me wonder if we should both email and inquire further. I'll email this thread link as well. If I hear further, I'll report back here. Thanks again, Dude.

Sent this thread to the EMP gods! Hoping for the best!
03/29/2011 11:57 pm

posts: 0

TOO FUNNY!!!! Mystery solved,,,

Already got an email reply stating "Yes, we have been on vacation."

Expect the backlog to get cleared and a flood of new MPs and reviews and comments!!!
03/30/2011 11:55 pm

posts: 0

On vacation, that is original!!! Anyway sounds like mystery solved so on to bigger and better things I guess.....
03/31/2011 07:53 pm

posts: 0

boss777 wrote:
Time, I just looked for the MP and could not find it. I do see it when I click on the link you have in your post.
I also entered a site about 2 or 3 weeks ago and it has not shown up on this site yet, not even in "My Account". I tried to reenter it but said it has already been entered. Been to busy to look into it.
I stopped in the place a few weeks ago and the lady I talked to was Eastern European. Haven't been back to give it a try yet, just another in a long list of places to try!!!!

Hey, Boss! Mine shows up now on the AMP list for Sacto, does yours? And one of the comments at least showed up as a recent comment, so I think things are back to normal, plus I got the VIP extension for both adding the new AMP Club 16 R and also a separate VIP extension for pix I re sent for 1 of the 3 new Elk Grove (ahem!) Kevin-type foot job places.

I'd say problem solved!
03/31/2011 08:18 pm

posts: 0

I still do not see the one I listed. And when I go to add a new MP and enter the phone number it says it is already listed and click here to see the profile. And sure enough it shows up, but not in the main list. It should show up in Fair Oaks. Will give it another day to see if it shows up.
03/31/2011 09:04 pm

posts: 0

Time, did you happen to get a pic of Kevin?
03/31/2011 09:10 pm

posts: 0

boss777 wrote:
I still do not see the one I listed. And when I go to add a new MP and enter the phone number it says it is already listed and click here to see the profile. And sure enough it shows up, but not in the main list. It should show up in Fair Oaks. Will give it another day to see if it shows up.

Might do what I did and send an email to and inquire on the status because it seemed to work to just sorta jiggle the wires with a polite inquiry. Just a thought.
03/31/2011 09:12 pm

posts: 0

KalAMP wrote:
Time, did you happen to get a pic of Kevin?

Oh, Dear... If I'd only known you wanted one!!!! Hey, I've got a thought for you, Bro!
04/01/2011 01:35 am

posts: 0

Watch out Time somebody is trying to cut in front for some of your Kevin action. Now KAL wants a fucking picture of your "Kevin". You had better get a handle on your private "time" machine location. "To Funny"!!!!
04/01/2011 02:48 pm

posts: 0

boss777 wrote:
I still do not see the one I listed. And when I go to add a new MP and enter the phone number it says it is already listed and click here to see the profile. And sure enough it shows up, but not in the main list. It should show up in Fair Oaks. Will give it another day to see if it shows up.

Hey, Boss, is this it? New added massage parlor in Fair Oaks Bella Vita Massage Therapy
Who's gonna TOFTT!? STRIKE THAT! As you were, Gentlemen!
There are other discussion threads about this place on and it's apparently a classic Russian Massage Parlor [RMP] and those tend to be hit & miss in my experience.
' That's one and if you're a paid member there on SMR, maybe the link will work.
04/01/2011 02:48 pm

posts: 0

holycow wrote:
Watch out Time somebody is trying to cut in front for some of your Kevin action. Now KAL wants a fucking picture of your "Kevin". You had better get a handle on your private "time" machine location. "To Funny"!!!!

04/01/2011 08:11 pm

posts: 0

Yes that is the one Time. I did not think to look anywhere else but RB for other reviews of this sight. In fact seems I learn of a new site to check out reviews about once a month, had not heard of the one you mentioned above!!!!!
04/01/2011 08:34 pm

posts: 0

sacramento massage review is not the fountain of info this site is. you can go several days without a new post. and to get any detail you have to inbox the person.
04/02/2011 01:33 am

posts: 0

Yes, SMR is far from the primary resource for AMP/RMP 411, yet at times it has reports on places and ladies that haven't been added to EMP or RB and some that never will get onto the radar because they're simply CL or Backpage FBSM ladies.

Hell, a Backpage lady in San Jose got an enthusiastic thumbs-up from another RB guy and he told me about her via my RB inbox and I went to see her yesterday and damn, that was fun. I put up a review of her on RB, but though she advertises as "massage" it's a true escort setup. That's the kind of thing that typically doesn't ever make it onto EMP and though she's been on BP for a long time, my review I just drafted today was effectively a TOFTT as it's the 1st one for her on RB.

So, bottom line: SMR MAY catch some of the CL & BP ads that never get reviewed elsewhere, but not necessarily unless the CL & BP ads are local here in SacTown. Guys on SMR have shared some intel via inbox as you mention is the standard protocol there, Kal. I try hard not to run afoul of the limitations for posting that Renee the webmaster has established. When I do - as happened yet again a coupla days ago - she's very gentle in PM'ing or emailing me to remind me that I screwed the pooch.

In fact, she sent me a PM there on SMR asking me for an email addy for an FBSM lady she wants to invite to post an ad on SMR. So, I know that Renee is eager to help the massage community and also wants to help develop the site as well. I'm not giving up on it. But I still say EMP ROCKS!!!
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