Massage is in the nude. Ask for half-hour massage. The massage is a little tough with pulling and pinching. When you are flipped over, she'll massage more but with junior uncovered. While being massaged say "I want to fuck". She'll respond with "you want to fuck". Then its on. Bring $60 for half-hour. She'll give BJ but with condom on. But she does Bareback. Better to go after the building closes but call her number and she'll let you in the back door( 1st door on the left side of the back of the building).
Hey wepplo, my first time was only a handjob on a massage table which i was disappointed. Now that she knows you, you need to go in at a time when she isn't busy. I went in at 11:00pm on a saturday.
yea ..i though as much..but it was cool....not sure i wanted it FS from her anyway....hahaha..and she has raised her its 30 per 1/2 hr.....and 60 per 1 hour