Incorrect credentials.
10/12/2010 11:15 pm

posts: 0

CC or cash?

What do you think and why?
10/13/2010 01:02 am

posts: 0


There's no paper trail; and one time my cc number was stolen, and I believe it was from an mp.
10/13/2010 01:47 am

posts: 0

omagoa wrote:

There's no paper trail; and one time my cc number was stolen, and I believe it was from an mp.

Absolutely. Not any drawbacks to carrying just cash and car keys and nothing else if you know pretty close to what the total outlay will be.

Never have had a problem with cash and it's my practice to have both 10's and 20's and keep the house fee separate from the tip if I know the house fee going in.

Many times I've overheard long sort of confrontational discussions ensue in dealing with clients who are trying to pay by cc and who also want to put at tip on the cc and that's fairly typically not even permitted and then there's often a hassle with a service fee being tacked on and clients bitching and moaning about that.

Don't be that guy!
10/13/2010 11:16 am

posts: 0

Cash. Pay the house fee before service, and the tip after service. Having 10's and 20' is a good idea too.
10/23/2010 05:28 pm

posts: 0

Cash, absolutely.
As stated before, have the gate fee in 1 pocket, the tip in the other, car keys and that's it...
10/30/2010 05:37 am

posts: 0

Without a doubt....CASH. Many girls will offer more than they want co-workers or owners to know. An $80-$100 tip f for a 30 munute massage on a card tells all. Cash is much more discreet for her as well.
10/30/2010 11:05 pm

posts: 0

For me being single, I really don't care about "paper trails" and I'm not too concerned about LE. IMO, LE needs more than "paper trails" to convict a client of a EMP that offers extra service, they need proof like video or catching one in the act. I've used my CC several times but only for the house fee as I tip with cash. I also built points on my CC. The house fee doesn't really concern me because it's just the time limit. Now the tip is very important as I think the provider would rather have the cash. Also, if the provider asks for the tip upfront, IMO the service from her would be better if she sees the green instead of the plastic. Plus if you use your card for both the house fee and the tip, the total extra could run between $5-$10 besides the interest the bank could make on it if you don't pay it off the balance by the due date. I also seperate the house fee and the tip and I take just my keys with me.
11/09/2010 01:50 pm

posts: 0

Cash for two reasons. First is cost as I don't want to pay the $5 fee for CC use or have to go through fraudulent charges because the MP swiped my card. The second is the mamasan is less suspicious if you use cash and will usually tell the girls that you have a wad to pay a healthy tip. Almost every time I've paid cash the girl damn near walked in naked with the flip happening much sooner. Almost every time I've used CC I had to go through the LE test and endure a crappy 15-20 min massage while being tested.
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