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02/17/2013 08:47 pm

posts: 0

Reading reviews, I am surprised how many mongers get hand finish after paying for FS. I find it strange to pay FS money to get a HJ finish. How common is this?
Klem 1
02/17/2013 09:16 pm

posts: 0

I thought the same thing..... the only thing that seems apparent from these reviews is that once in a while dudes will say they cant finish the deed while the general is covered - so a HJ is their only option for release...

But Im with you.... if your going for FS - it seems anti-climactic (pun intended) to finish with a HJ...

But then again - often your dont get full access to all the goodies - without paying the FS price. The more they remove, the more you pay.

To each his own, I suppose.
02/18/2013 02:36 am

posts: 0

KalAMP wrote:
Reading reviews, I am surprised how many mongers get hand finish after FS. I find it strange to pay FS money to get a HJ finish. How common is this?

I've found out that the older I get the harder, or I should say "more difficult (to avoid the obvious pun)" it is for me to complete the act.
I used to have a GF that taught me these breathing techniques to delay ejaculation as long as possible, so maybe that training is kicking in and makes it harder to come without more direct stimulation.
I also find it harder to ejaculate while wearing a condom, tho I have done it a few times in the last year. I had one guy-friend when I was in my early/mid 20s that would tell me that too much masturbation would also cause a man to develop ejaculation problems later, while in a more active sexual relationship.
He was a Medical/psychological studies major in college, maybe he was right. One time he asked me how often I came in a day or week, on average. I told him I tried to come once, sometimes twice a day, more when I had a GF. He told me that that was "too much" and that I should save some for later in life. He got a little religious on me then.
I had a doctor ask me, when I was having a High School physical, if I was sexually active...told him "Yes, but not as much as other guys were." He said that "other guys" are usually lying...wanted to know how often I masturbated (couple times a week back then) and he said that if a boy would ejaculate 3, or 4, times a week, that would keep his equipment in good working order.
Sooo, I did it a little bit more..until my mom caught me one time....After that I waited until my dad would get up and get ready for work..'cause he got up at about 4:30. Mom got up after 7. I had the whole upstairs to myself after my older sibs moved out.
02/18/2013 10:26 am

posts: 0

Without going into details, sometimes, some of us that have a little, uh, extra down below are finished that way because quite frankly, the girl can't take it anymore. You could insist, but then you would be a bigger asshole than you already are IMO.
02/18/2013 02:04 pm

posts: 0

This recent similar discussion led me to post the following:


There's also something extra fun and almost empowering to just lay back after the wrestling match and let the lady go to town doing all of the work to deliver the pop as it's always been fun to watch a lady focus on getting me off and be just totally relaxed.

This brings to mind a coupla recent kinda amusing experiences -

#1: The AMP gal and I'd gone thru numerous positions as well as enjoyed DATY + BJ and she'd gotten off already and then nearly fallen asleep on top of me still in CG and she's soooo tight it kept me rock hard the whole time, so I started having a bit of fun with her to rouse her again by flexing the general and she got the giggles.

She hopped off and grabbed the oil and started stroking as clearly she wanted me to pop and she seemed pretty sweaty and tired and spent, so the HJ finish seemed like all she was up for. Her BJ is fun, but I've never finished that way or pushed for her to CIM either.

After just 2 to 3 minutes of stroking, she muttered something to herself in Mandarin and grabbed a towel and wiped off most of the oil, installed a party hat and hopped back on to finish me in CG.

I swear she basically was just telling herself, "Screw this! I'm not gonna let THIS go to waste! I'm gonna ride this rocketship to the moon again!"

And, she did.

#2: Another lady who is an AMP FWB was over at my house and after she'd popped, she actually did fall asleep with her head on my chest lying next to me. The general was still in salute mode as I'd not poppped yet and her hand was right next to him, so when I started stirring and rubbing him against her hand, she wrapped fingers around him and began stroking while she was moaning.

I asked if she wanted to use the oil and started to reach for it, thinking she was just tired but would likely be up for delivering a HJ finish.

She said, "No oil" and proceeded to lean down for some damn fine BBBJ action and that led to the oh-so-lovely ACG as she obviously wanted to suck and screw me to make me cum.

And, she did.
02/19/2013 07:08 pm

posts: 0

There are several reasons as relaxn, StrokerAce and Time mentioned a reason. Also the session is nearing the end, being rushed by the provider or plain just can't finish. Me, I just use my imagination or just focus(which could take a couple of minutes). HJ should work most of the time. I agree with Beetleguise and KalAmp, if I'm paying for the full show you damn well bet I'm staying for the whole show.
02/21/2013 01:35 am

posts: 0

apache wrote:
There are several reasons as relaxn, StrokerAce and Time mentioned a reason. Also the session is nearing the end, being rushed by the provider or plain just can't finish. Me, I just use my imagination or just focus(which could take a couple of minutes). HJ should work most of the time. I agree with Beetleguise and KalAmp, if I'm paying for the full show you damn well bet I'm staying for the whole show.

I forgot to add that it could just be a case of nervousnous, too...I had one GF that I was just crazy ,and when the relationship got more sexual I was having trouble coming anytime with her.. It didn't matter whether it was thru HJ, or BJ, or just great sex, I just wasn't going to pop. She got a bit upset, but not as upset as I was, saying that I didn't come with her because I must not like her. It was an odd feeling, to tell a girl that you wanted to come inside her, or in her mouth, or by her hand, but just wasn't able to do it for some reason.
Shortly after we broke up I had a regularly scheduled appt with my urologist, explained the situation, and he said that I might not have been able to ejaculate because I had great feelings towards her...even been "in love" and that might cause a man to not come. He told me to have a drink, or two, to relax beforehand.
I don't think I could be "in love" with a provider, at least not enough to keep me from coming. Probably a more "nervous" thing, I think...or age! And, yes, I do want my full hour (plus)!
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